We are so full of pride to be the one animal on the top of the food and intelligence chain! It's wonderful, that is until you face what I call "The Debridement of Respect & Intelligence." This is where my brand of FDP wiggled itself in. It's a sad fact that while we are at the head of the current of technology and advancements in all kinds of greatness where we can almost call ourselves "Personal Gods", that we still have inappropriate ways of interacting. The daunting Facebook, the now fading Myspace, the ever so popular Twitter, and the happily unmentioned and unpopular Friendster. Not to mention all the nameless chat rooms and dating sites we use to make ourselves somewhat intricately interesting. But, I could forgive all of that if it all didn't end up with us being more comfortable to talk to each other from behind a machine, than in person...face to face. People say some of the most uncouth things all around the internet and do so only because they feel pathetically safe behind the vindicated barrier of their most likey porn infested computer. I have to say that I do my best not to say anything on the internet that I would not tell to any of my wonderful, close friends or family members. And though I suffer from a particularly bad case of FDP, I still react to things in an appropriate manner...for the most part.
To add more on my beef with the People; we do not appreciate our lives, and just the same, we do not appreciate the environment in which we are subsisting in. Pollution and litter! Calm your self, I am no hippie, even if I do admire their presh potskins ways. And no I have not seen "An Inconvenient Truth" with Al Gore. Though I am no saint when it comes to dropping a little gum wrapper here or there, I do have a sudden strike of guilt every time that foil wrap hits the ground. It's a small thing, and I won't go into those badgering statistics but I will point out that it all adds up to a lot. Not to mention the threat of exhausting the ozone layer, which could potentially kill us in well over half a dozen ways! But I digress.
I am firm in the formal dislike of the way many people disrespect other's race, gender, color, religion, or culture, not to mention their niches. And they do it just because our society, and withered generations say it is okay or that it is considered a fun good laugh. It's a cheap laugh, and anyone who enjoys a cheap laugh at the expense of a young turban wearing Muslim child, is an A, double S. It may seem like all is a joke, but that person could even grow up to reject that side of what he or she is and that is just a tragic thought. Yes, yes every race or culture has their own partially true stereotypes, but it is up to that culture to defy the boundaries of what that particular stereotype is. I know I do. Here in the wonderful (God forbid) state of Alabama, there are many derogatory statements blurted out unto different races and cultures. This a major problem, but me being formal and all, I try my best to properly act against it, but after all, the south is known for it's church belted, close-minded, intolerance that makes for calling young gay boys the F** word. Or calling anyone of Asian decent the C**** word, which is the most disrespectful in my opinion, since most of what we Americans have is from Asian countries and since I have a love for Asian cultures and people. Have you ever seen a cute little Asian baby? They're adorable.

Okay, if you still don't like Asian culture after that, then you must be a corporate bed wetting zombie with no working emotions. Or a sibling of Sue Sylvester from Glee. Off topic. Once again, I digress.
There are issues in the relationships of people as well. Many would love the whole "Bridges of Madison County" romance story in their life, but, thanks to the games people play, it rarely ever happens. What's up with the games? In my immature stages I myself have played a few relationship games, and let me tell you, they don't work. The whole "You cheated on me first thing!" doesn't go down well. Neither does the "I'm weighing out my options" thing. Trying lust or coveting and you'll only end up hurting yourself, and a few others. It's a ridiculous thought that we people gotten into our heads that playing childish games will win that "special person's heart." Stop and think about it. What is the simplest way that we humans can get into a real trusting relationship and most likely stay there and be progressively happy? How about trying to be "really, real" with your feelings and talk to one another...for real. I mean seriously. Seriously! That's how most relationships lose that "wonder". It's the inevitable loss of communication, even though many will somehow blame it on unsatisfactory sex or being stalked, or any of the seven deadly sins they don't really understand but will use as a discretionary excuse. I know. I've done it. And I'm only seventeen.
As a "Dark & Twisty", I have to be accountable for my own feelings toward people and controlling how to deal with the vile beasts in the most elegant of ways, meanwhile the "Bright & Shinies" go through life being the "perfect human", which is really, in more ways than a million, the worst creature. I am not stating that I hate people, it is just that I have a better connection with my pets than another human being. I'm sure the first person I'd want to see when I get to heaven is my first dog ever; Lady. I have a love/hate relationship with people, and I'm sure all of my "Dark & Twisties" can agree with that, and hey, maybe I think everyone has a little "Dark & Twisty" in them, and is faking to be the "Bright & Shinies" that we know almost barely exist. Hmm.
Well my presh potskins bloggers, rather than stay in the realm of the unfortunate (this blog), you should tell me of your own views on " The Formal Disliking of People", and if you are a "Dark & Twisty" or a dreaded, but regrettably entertaining "Bright & Shiny" like my friend, Aubree. Yes, I know, I'm friends with a "BS". I guess it's a good thing...
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